Fascinating article, an acquaintance of mine claimed I-Ching was indeed a tool of providence computation but the function was removed/redacted by Confucians.

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Ah I'm starting to get what you mean now by unsupervised syncs

Fuck off Archons I'll sync whenever I want

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Holy cow, riveting article. I could pick your brain for hours. Having a synchro with an article on synchro.

A book I've been reading off and on called Cyclonopedia, also had this "retrochronality" time circuit diagram in the book that I just saw a day or two ago.

I'm sometimes wary of "tech synchros" but sometimes the uncanny timining of seeing things is incomprehensible to me and I feel like I am going schizoids OR as you postulate, and maybe on a brighter note, I'm just flexing and growing new psychic muscles. Fingers crossed.

I'm releasing an article soon on Crying of Lot 49 (heavy synchro laden book) but you might be interested in my Wyrd/Weird and Magic Circle articles. Ive also had multiple synchros surrounding PKD, another persona who just oozes synchro-gravity, causing things to fall into orbit when you put your observer goggles on him. I did a video on my YT channel tracing some synchros that started with a line from Blade runner 2049, "cella interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem".

This was right after reading Time Out of Joint, which is a Shakespeare quote (Hamlet)

And cells within cells quote is from a Nabokov novel...Pale Fire, which is actually another Shakespeare quote. I can do this crap all day with Shakespeare for some reason, like a bizarre superpower.

Now I'm going to go binge your other material....

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