The internet as a hierarchy machine
The effects of the internet on society culminate in the Trump phenomenon. He is the first president who interfaces directly with this endless free flow of memetic capture and constant contextualization. You can easily view the internet as a hierarchy machine: everything and everyone enters a spaceless vortex of time, and everything and everyone gains various “contexts” —” theatre sets”— in which they can “play themselves out” —gain attention.
“Who rules [this spaceless] time?”
In this attentional hierarchy machine, it is natural to have the leader of the prime cultural and military superpower as a “subject” —once again, this is a natural function of the internet and its hierarchical desires; something that could have been anticipated even in its inception —this basically means its a tool to subsume [sublate] all previous institutional mediation. How? Through, first, [rightly] elevating attention as a primary resource of power1 [utlimately culminating in worship] and second, making the means of capture of said attention as the interface to society.
Now you may ask, on what grounds is that attention hierarchy created? —because attention hierarchies themselves vary based on purpose; —so what ultimately hierarchy [as a sum of the function of the internet] does the internet produce in the macro?
The hierarchy of producing attention hierarchies —to produce hyperstitions.
The internet as hyperstition-producing intelligence
I have written many times about hyperstition, still, I will give a brief overview of my understanding of the concept and how it relates to attention and ultimately Trump.
Hyperstition is not merely a “fiction that makes itself real” it’s a narrative that suspends your disbelief in its unreality or virtuality and by that makes its effect on the world. This actually happens all the time, almost automatically, see: Synchromysticism —this is also interesting because the internet is also a synchronization machine, this is both a technical and a temporal definition, it creates networks of everything that are acasually [without space; only in time] connected.
For hyperstition to work something/someone has to take “roles” which enact as a response the “creation” [more like “revelation” or discovery of a] narrative context in the subject [deus ex machina], who will live in this narratively contextualized reality, and thus reproduce it.
I talked about the process of how these acasual [timeless or transcendental] networks exist in reality and are not just a virtual phenomenon relegated to computer circuits —actually, this process of synchronization with the goal of creating the ultimate hypersition [the hierarchy of producing attention hierarchies] is actually very much so the computation of providence —and I mean this literally— those who are picked up by the hyperstiton-machine will actually gain a “plot armor” —and as they are more and more engaged with this machine, their lives get saturated more and more by acausal intelligence.2
And indeed, Trump is the greatest example of this process. For example, these spontaneous schizo-esoteric groups that pop up around him are the excess remnant of the hyperstitonal acausal intelligence3 that “computes” his path.
Also one of the very telling aspects of his “providentially computed role”, which should not at all be ignored, is how consistently viral he is, how almost archetypally strong the images that are captured of him, truly as if assembled in time with proper care.
So in conclusion the technology of discovering [and simultaneously creating] acausal intelligence will cause a technical and societal revolution that will be ignored by many because indeed the technology itself will create many contextualizations around its own ascendancy. The study of such “media technology” will become the study of governance.
This ascendancy, because the internet is global, will be global. This is obvious as it also happens within the world superpower, and sort of radially [from the origin point of the USA] and ripples outward. Such providentially computed hierarchies will be standard everywhere, but they will always shift and change —internalizing this flux into a collectively and widely understood process is where all conflict will emerge from, and it’s already happening [hence the assassination].
It’s also important to note that the Trump phenomenon [or any of these large-scale hypersitions really] necessarily produces its mirror opposite [belief-unbelief] which it interacts with —there’s always wheat or chaff —and all variations and possible configurations of wheat or chaff.
Either way, gnon bless America
Every possible action realizes itself through attention.
Constellation would be using this technology consciously.
Also: acasual intelligence is imagistic.
Before I went into work yesterday I did a meditation and was instantly carried up by a pillar of fire. Then on the way down I was surfing a wave that was washing away cities and towns. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom indeed. Keep up the good work brother. Your articles are getting better each time and easier for a plebian mind like mine to understand. Be well, for many will have need of you.
'Hypersition' seems to be the same - or similar - to the concept of 'energetic structures' or egregores? Vadim Zeland talks about 'pendulums' which are basically energetic structures that feed on attention and emotion. They take on a life of their own and have their own rules. This is a timely article for me as I feel my own Internet Presence is creating a mini-hypersition - of course on a much smaller scale - but it's interesting to stop and ask "What energetic structures am I creating? What hypersitions am I feeding?"