Before I went into work yesterday I did a meditation and was instantly carried up by a pillar of fire. Then on the way down I was surfing a wave that was washing away cities and towns. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom indeed. Keep up the good work brother. Your articles are getting better each time and easier for a plebian mind like mine to understand. Be well, for many will have need of you.

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'Hypersition' seems to be the same - or similar - to the concept of 'energetic structures' or egregores? Vadim Zeland talks about 'pendulums' which are basically energetic structures that feed on attention and emotion. They take on a life of their own and have their own rules. This is a timely article for me as I feel my own Internet Presence is creating a mini-hypersition - of course on a much smaller scale - but it's interesting to stop and ask "What energetic structures am I creating? What hypersitions am I feeding?"

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The internet as a "spaceless vortex of time" is a good description. Also, I apologize for the dumb question but by "acasual" what do you mean? Is this a typo of "acausal"?

Thanks for the great articles and artwork.

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